Appraisal Service

Have a large thoroughbred racing collection? - Interested in protecting your investment?

Let Derby Auctions appraise your Collection today!

Derby Auctions' Appraisal Services might be right for you. At a cost that's only a fraction of the value of your collection, Derby Auctions can appraise your entire thoroughbred racing memorabilia.

Protect Your Investment

If you're anything like us, you've probably spent a lot of money on thoroughbred racing memorabilia over the years. Our Appraisal Services provide a great way to catalog that collection, as well as to protect your investment in the event of theft, destruction or untimely death.

If your collection is stolen or destroyed in a fire, will your homeowner's insurance cover it? And even if it does, what value will the insurance company place on it? In the event of an untimely death, will your family know what to do with your collection? Do they know what it's worth?

Any Size Collection

Collections, like collectors, come in all shapes and sizes. We're willing to work with our collectors, and will appraise collections of any size. To date, we've appraised collections worth a couple thousand dollars to a few hundred thousand dollars; we've assisted collectors over the phone and email, and we've flown across the country to personally authenticate and appraise collections.


Use the button below or, give us a call today to discuss your Appraisal options!

Sam Finelli at (740) 972.4546 or [email protected]

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